Monday 24 August 2015

Summer Reading: Mini Readathon

Good morning! So if you've been following the blog for a while, you may recall that the large bulk of my reading happens in the summer holidays. I have time off from teaching, some time to myself and therefore over the 5 weeks I have off school I tend to read in excess of 20 books. Now this has not happened this summer and it is starting to panic me a little. I've just had a really busy summer and haven't had a lot of down time to read. I've been on some amazing trips which I will share with you in a blog post to come but that means that I've been relying on audiobooks in the car to get my reading hit and so I've been a little more limited when it comes to my reading.

 I am currently sitting at 11 books read this summer. At this point last summer I had read 18 books. This ties in very nicely with what I'm planning on doing to rectify this situation. I am planning on trying to do a 7 in 7. So 7 books/novellas/audiobooks in 7 days-starting today. I have some work to do this week but apart from that I've not got major plans to go places and the bank holiday this weekend will hopefully help as well.

Now these aren't necessarily going to be all full-length books but I really need to catch up with my reading, I am behind on my Goodreads challenge, I'm behind on review books and there were so many books that I was planning on reading this summer that I just haven't. I've not got a specific TBR but I have made a small start into a couple of books and so therefore I'd like to finish these off this week and there are a couple of books to movie adaptations that are out right now that I want to read/watch so these are going to feature on the list. So here's my very loose TBR/the books I want to choose from this week...

And yes, some of these are in paperback because, as you know I am trying to do paperback summer and pretty much failing at it so farm despite having travelled round for 4 weeks with a massive bag of paperbacks in the boot of my car so that I can read them all (I haven't) some of these have been in there though so hopefully, committing to this will make me read them. 

So wish me luck, and happy reading! I'll update you at the end of the 7 days (Tuesday 1st Septemeber)

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